Sunday, January 1, 2012

This one is not to be confused with the baby that has socks. This one has the french manicure instead!

Just look at those tiny feet! Look at those tiny whiskers! Awwwwww. . .

Their fur is growing and their ears are changing dramatically. Scroll down to look at the nest picture again and compare!

They are now somewhere between 9 and 11 days old.

Yesterday morning I awoke to a plop, plop noise. Like something falling into a bowl of water. All 6 of these little guys were hanging about the water bowl (not in it) and totally wet! One thing was certain, they were not in their nesting box. Did they all go in on their own--ALL of them? Did Mom use her water bowl to bathe them? Why ALL of them, and why were they already out? Needless to say the water bowl has been moved! I have heard to use a water bottle so to eliminate the risk of drowning; but I can't help but wonder if Mom can get enough water to re-hydrate herself while breast feeding her radically growing kits. I will mostly certainly use the water bottle for the babies as they began to have a need for water for themselves. For now I am keeping my eyes peeled and have moved her water bowl underneath a cage interior ledge.

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