Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Mystery Greens

The backyard, mysterious greens that me and my bugs have been munching on have multiplied! Now there are actually three separate plants. One is so close to the original plant that they look like one, while the third is further back. I also found more potato's in my wine barrel planter.

Winter Potato Yield

Who would of thought I would get a potato yield from a few chopped off sprouts of potato's I used in a soup. I had thrown the sprouts, mid-winter no less, in a few of the backyard pots just to see what possibly could happen. I was finding quite a few of these little potato's; none bigger than the biggest shown in this picture.

Seed Collecting update

More seed collecting from some organic green beans that were ready to be composted. Sometimes I don't cook up my veggies in a timely fashion and a few become compost. I couldn't resist the seeds on the inside.