Sunday, November 27, 2011

More Wheat Grass. . .

flat after flat after flat after. . .

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tunneling Bunnies

The bunny tunnel that leads onto the bunny loft in our studio is complete; well, functionally for now. The tunnel could use a fresh coat of paint and roofing material on top boards. They now have indoor and outdoor options!

Two girls and a bun

Little buns helping the girls clean their room. (a moment of fun with the camera)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Baa-baa Black Sheep's Wool

This was recently sheered from a local farmers sheep. He also has Alpaca fleece. If all goes well with the cleaning and the spinning, I'll try my hand spinning the Alpaca fleece too.

These sheep looked very happy. He had sheered this one back in the summer. I asked him if I could pet one and he just laughed and said, "They really aren't the petting sort of animal." I still don't know what that really means.